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I’m waiting in the dressing room.
It is a most distressing room.
I listen to the chatter
and the creaking of the door.
My heart is pounding loudly now.
Although I’m standing proudly now,
my hands are getting clammy
and we’re on at half past four.
The costumes hang on railings
as I contemplate my failings:
have I memorised my lines
or will the doubt be on display?
My talent will be plain to see!
The people will believe in me!
I tell myself I’m awesome
while my nerves begin to fray.
But when the lights grow dimmer
I can sense my spirit shimmer
as the sunshine in my mind
and in my body blazes through.
The curtains slowly come apart.
The spectacle’s about to start.
Yes, this is where I’m meant to be –
it’s what I’m born to do!
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